Wishing all of our Chadsgrove family a wonderful Summer!

Learning Support Team

The Learning Support Team (LST) is made up of a team of specialist teachers experienced in working with children and young  people with a range of learning needs. In addition, the team is qualified to diagnose dyslexia and dyscalculia; they are also a key component of the Dyspraxia Motorway.


The team carry out assessments to identify challenges to educational progress (including diagnosis of Specific Learning Difficulties—SpLDs) and make recommendations for support based upon their findings. These recommendations may include individualised programmes of support, approaches and strategies, classroom support and advice on inclusive practice.


Services include:

  • Cognitive assessments
  • Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (SpLD) diagnostic assessments (pupils aged seven and above)
  • Dyslexia screening
  • Specialist advice
  • Support with interventions
  • 1:1 or small group teaching
  • Examination Access Arrangements
  • Strengths and Needs assessments
  • Learning review and progress updates
  • Training packages (please see training section of directory)
  • Assessment evidence for Disabled Student Allowance (Dyslexia)
Referral Forms
Full Learning Support
Short Learning Review