Welcome to the Autumn Term!

Vocational Learning and Careers

Chadsgrove School is fully committed to ensuring that all of our pupils acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to best equip them for the next stage of their learning journey for life beyond school. Our aim is to ensure that pupils and their families are fully prepared for and informed effectively about, the next steps so that pupils can aspire to achieve their full potential.
We foster the positive mental health and social, emotional and moral development of all our pupils, thus enabling them to take their place in society as mature and responsible adults. We strive to develop our pupils aptitude and equip them with the interpersonal skills to effectively communicate and add value within their community. High quality careers guidance is a crucial part of our curriculum.
Young people make choices based on what they know and what they think is available to them. If our young people, their families and supporting professionals are made fully aware of the career pathways and opportunities available, choices about life beyond education, qualifications and career pathways will be better informed, which ultimately will enable our pupils to move towards achieving their aspirations and goals.