Wishing all of our Chadsgrove family a wonderful Summer!

Physical Disability Team

The Physical Disability (PD) Team support children with a physical disability (e.g. cerebral palsy, dystrophy, acquired brain injuries, tumours, arthritis, and hyper-mobility )This specialist teaching team is available to  support mainstream schools and early years settings (transfer support onto further and higher education settings is also available). We recognise the importance of working  collaboratively with colleagues in mainstream schools and health settings, parents/carers and children to:


  • Enable children and young people with physical disabilities to be educated in mainstream schools wherever possible
  • Provide appropriate support for children with physical disabilities, their Parents/Carers and school staff to achieve successful, inclusive education
  • Offer advice and training to help maintain access to a full curriculum
  • Complete specialist assessments
  • Assist with all aspects of planning and implementing access for children with limited mobility, including building modifications

The PD Team support children through: school and pre-school visits, transition planning; contributing to Statutory Assessment; reviews, IEPs and programmes of work; advice on the development of inclusive teaching strategies; specialist assessments; intervention programmes; staff training; curriculum support; advice on specific environmental adaptations to promote inclusion; advising on special arrangements for examinations where appropriate; working with pupils to develop strategies for independent learning; Teaching Assistant support; inclusive technology; manual handling assessments.


Service delivery is free across Worcestershire, delivered on behalf of:


Worcestershire County Council

North Worcestershire: Chadsgrove School Support Services PD Team

South Worcestershire: Regency High School PD Team